Verify Your Collection

Help algorithm to prioritize your NFT collection. Receive the badge and gain more views and credibility.-

Step 1

Review Your Information

Make sure the information you submitted is up to date, pay attention to:

Step 2

Ownership Verification Via The Website

Copy your collection link and add it to your website with the NFTdroops logo. If your collection has not yet been published, simply include a link to the NFTdroops home page.

Step 3

You Are Good to Go

Just notify us by filling out this short form.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload a screenshot of your website section where included NFTdroops logo.

Embed NFT Droops Badge

Embed featured badge on your collection website to bring more trust to your collection.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="nf-dark-vr"> <img src="" alt="featured on NFT Droops" width="120"> <style>.nf-dark-vr:hover img {background: url( top left no-repeat; background-size: contain;}</style> </a>

<a href="" target="_blank" class="nf-light-vr"> <img src="" alt="featured on NFT Droops" width="120"> <style>.nf-light-vr:hover img {background: url( top left no-repeat; background-size: contain;} </style> </a>

Just click a “Copy” button and paste code to your website