Collection Badges

Crypto Mafia Crew
11111 unique mafiosi drawn with love and humor. Early supporters get free mints.
Mint Starts
Feb 5
16:00 utc

Mint: Feb 5
Mint Date: Feb 5
Mint Time: 16:00 UTC
Mint Price: 0.045 ETH
Collection Links
About Collection
We do it old school. No white list, no pre-sale, no funny business, no discord-mingle. Just a plain and simple NFT-project like in the old days. We take care of all minting-costs. That's why we release in waves. We start with 1 mafiosi, 10, 100, 1000 and 10'000. Each mafiosi has his own stats. Some are charismatic, some intelligen, some brutal. It's probably one of the most unique projects around. It's made by frieds for friends.