Collection Badges

Fomo Snake
FOMO Snake is a collection of 10,000 randomly generated NFTs on the Biance Smart Chain.
Mint Starts
Apr 10

Mint: Apr 10
Mint Date: Apr 10
Mint Price: 0.2 BNB
# of Items: 10,000
Blockchain:Binance Smart Chain
Collection Links
About Collection
FOMO Snake is a set of 10,000 NFTs generated at random on the Biance Smart Chain. You will be able to create avatars from over 100 different traits. Each NFT will have a unique style, skill level, and level of difficulty. You can use FOMO snake to earn $FSSS and $FNS by participating in our P2E NFT game. The detailed sales model and price will be announced soon. HOW DO I BEGIN THE GAME? FOMO Snake is a multiplayer online snake game for web browsers that is similar to the popular 2015 web game and is reminiscent of the classic arcade game Snake. You can command a snake that consumes multicolored pellets, both from other players and those that spawn naturally on the map in the game, to grow in size. The goal of the game is to control a worm around a large area and eat pellets while defeating and consuming other players in order to gain mass and become the largest and longest player in the game.