Collection Badges

Mint Starts
Jul 17

Mint: Jul 17
Pre-Mint Date: Jun 10
Pre-Mint Price: 0.15 ETH
Mint Date: Jul 17
Mint Price: 0.2 ETH
Collection Links
About Collection
NFT2Metaverse will be the Metaverse's Marketplace. By utilizing our Platform as a Service, designers can easily sell all of their digitally designed products in the Metaverse (PaaS). The designers will make money by selling digital products they created. NFT2Metaverse can be compared to traditional Marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay. We will place the N2M Marketplace in various Metaverses in order to reach the greatest number of people and generate the most revenue. We will begin with the two largest Metaverses and then move on to others. As a seller, you can sell your own digital products on the platform. As a user, you can use the platform to buy digital products and then use them in the Metaverse. Consider clothing, accessories, or other items for your avatar. This will be done in various Metaverses and with users all over the world. Anyone who buys our NFTs during the Pre-Sale is obviously ahead of the game, and it may be worthwhile to re-sell some NFTs for a nice profit. We will distribute 40% of our profits to NFT holders. This is an excellent opportunity for you as an investor to jump in right away and reap the many benefits once we go live. This makes our NFTs very appealing to those seeking a passive income stream. This Pre-Sale gives you exclusive access to our very first NFTs and the incredible future profit distributions.