Collection Badges

Shell Rebels
10.000 Shell Rebels on the ethereum blockchain
Mint Starts
May 5

Mint: May 5
Mint Date: May 5
Mint Price: 0.08 ETH
Collection Links
About Collection
Once upon a time, there were 100 nests, each with 100 turtle eggs. They were born and raised to become blockchain rebels. Our artist Inez embodied all of them (you go girl!) into a set of 10,000 legendary digital collectibles to bring them to life. Their 440 custom-made traits make them one-of-a-kind. Each turtle has a unique expression, headwear, tattoos, colors, accessories, and a variety of other characteristics. Raising awareness because some people are still trapped in suffocating plastic restraints. Rebels because they have the courage to stand up and show their true colors! Why should you buy a rebel? First and foremost, it is high-resolution artwork. You'll have a piece of art that is demonstrably rare in your wallet while also making the NFT space more bold and charismatic. Second, it's "high-revolutionary," because 10% of all primary sales will be donated to help turtles in need. Shell Rebels will demonstrate your concern for a better world. Last but not least, you can join our community and be a part of this revolution with pride. The more Shell Rebels we bring to life, the stronger our resistance will be! Our objective Our Shell Rebels, as colorful and entertaining as they appear, represent real turtles. This is our way of bringing attention to serious issues such as turtle welfare, pollution, and climate change. The obvious first step is to sell out. Next, we can make a difference by donating 10% of all primary sales to community-selected charities. Let's shake things up in the OpenSea!