Collection Badges

W.A.S Drugiez
WeAreSad is dropping a collection of 5,000 Drugiez on the Cardano blockchain.
Mint Starts
Mar 20
18:00 utc

Mint: Mar 20
Pre-Mint Price: 35ADA
Mint Date: Mar 20
Mint Time: 18:00 UTC
Mint Price: 55 ADA
# of Items: 5,000
Collection Links
About Collection
WeAreSad is releasing 5,000 Drugiez on the Cardano blockchain. We are a growing community with doxxed admins ready to take us to new heights! Come get your OG whitelist spot, which is only available to the first 300 people! This will also grant you access to future collections' whitelist spots! Every Friday, we also host trivia giveaways for the community! Visit us and see for yourself!