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The CNFT community is sick. AdaMeds will m̵a̵k̵e̵ ̵i̵t̵ ̵w̵o̵r̵s̵e̵ cure it!
Mint Starts
Mar 13
Mint: Mar 13
Mint Date: Mar 13
Mint Price: 20 ADA
# of Items: 10,000
Collection Links
About Collection
Initially, a Cardano wallet served a single purpose: to store ADA. Everything was fine until NFTs took over Cardano. A pandemic infected the entire ecosystem, and every wallet became infected with "Spendatitis-20," which later mutated to "Flipatosis-21." This prompted us to develop medications that will worsen the cure for your CNFT illness. AdaMeds is a collection of 10,000 different variants of medicine tablets, capsules, and solutions that exist as 3D objects in Cardano blockspace and can be viewed in augmented-reality platforms.