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Galaxy Peeps

Story-driven humor-based fun-loving collection of 10,000 meticulously hand-drawn NFT art coming to a planet near you!

Galaxy Peeps
Galaxy Peeps
Galaxy Peeps

Mint Date: TBA

Mint Price: TBA

Whitelist: Yes

# of Items: 10,000

Collection Links
About Collection
Galaxy Peeps is a story-driven humor-based fun-loving collection of wonderful and witty art meticulously hand-drawn by our artists. Our unique collection of dozens of story characters serves as the basis of our AI-generated art pieces that comprise the 10,000 NFTs collection. The collection is designed with a long-term growth-oriented vision for the Metaverse world. Each Galaxy Peeps PFP NFT will unlock private club membership, exclusive access to the creator NFT marketplace, IRL events, upcoming airdrops and projects, and more. 

Our collection is inspired by classic science fiction movies and pays homage to those popular titles in a humorous and funny way, with original stories and character designs from the quirky minds of our creators. 

Our founders are a group of highly skilled and motivated individuals with extensive experience in the fields of art, graphic design, business, and technology management. They have successfully launched various business enterprises previously, including fashion companies, Internet/e-commerce companies, and high-concept food/restaurants. Our founders all have decades of business management experience in an executive capacity and use our background to create a new business that brings fresh perspective and energy to the NFT space.

Galaxy Peeps is a community-centered project built on the honest collaboration and free-spirited connections of all its members, whose voices are respected and valued by all. We empower our community by letting the community decide which worthy causes to donate our funds to. Our community will also decide and vote on future proposals that affect not just our business but the whole ecosystem as well. We believe the galactic NFT universe can grow tremendously when everyone works together to achieve the common good!

We are building not just a project but an enduring business and sustainable brand with long-term goals of helping artists and creators market and sell their creations while eliminating the steep learning curve of learning how to create and sell an NFT collection. We aim to break down the invisible wall separating great artists from their audiences, so they only need to focus on creating great art! It’s a collaborative team effort where everyone maximizes their strongest talents to the fullest.

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Radioactive flowers turned PFPs blooming onto the Polygon blockchain. Digital Buddies focused on mental health advocacy.

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