Collection Badges

Meta Jacket
Founded by 2 sisters from Bhutan | Earn royalty from Meta Jacket NFT and own a jacket IRL
Mint Starts
Mar 26

Mint: Mar 26
Pre-Mint Date: Mar 25
Pre-Mint Price: 0.08 ETH
Mint Date: Mar 26
Mint Price: 0.08 ETH
Collection Links
About Collection
META JACKET NFT is a collection of 8888 jackets designed by Sheycha, an artist and fashion designer. Holders of Meta Jacket NFTs have the opportunity to convert their NFTs into real Jackets and earn royalties on sales in perpetuity. Instead of sending royalties from our product to VCs, we want to share ownership and royalties with our customers directly. For many years, our team has been creating bespoke handcrafted Bhutanese jackets. With the infinite possibilities of NFTs, we were able to showcase Bhutan's rich traditional craftsmanship in an extraordinary mix with contemporary fashion. We want to reimagine what the future of fashion in web 3 will look and feel like. We hope to decentralize the creative process in the future and share the benefits of future partnerships with ALL of our NFT holders.