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The Travatarz family is the first anonymous backbody NFT. The NFT will give you acces to Travatar perks in the real life
Mint Starts
Feb 2
00:00 utc

Mint: Feb 2
Pre-Mint Date: Jan 2
Pre-Mint Time: 00:00 UTC
Pre-Mint Price: 0.07 ETH
Mint Date: Feb 2
Mint Time: 00:00 UTC
Mint Price: 0.07 ETH
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About Collection
Travatarz are making their way into the world! Relatively unknown species, originally from a planet plagued by dreadful living conditions, are on the verge of extinction. 8,888 motivated and anonymous Travatarz will arrive on Earth to secretly investigate the cause of catastrophic climate change. The NFT will grant you access to a digital social hub, where your NFT will serve as your membership token for Travatar perks. You will have access to discounts, giveaways, a Travatarz academy, and a strong community to help you find work and become the entrepreneur you have always wanted to be. The community will be based on DAOs. That is, the community votes on what they spend their money on. The Travatar seeks to promote an egalitarian community through a DAO in which every single holder's voice can be heard throughout the entire NFT space! 1 NFT equals 1 vote. Travatar holders will have complete transparency over where their funds go.