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Tropical Snail Club is a community driven collection of 100.000 randomly generated NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.
Mint Starts
Apr 15
23:00 utc

Mint: Apr 15
Pre-Mint Date: Apr 11
Pre-Mint Time: 12:00 UTC
Pre-Mint Price: 0.07 ETH
Mint Date: Apr 15
Mint Time: 23:00 UTC
Mint Price: 0.1 ETH
Collection Links
About Collection
Tropical Snail Club is a community driven collection of 100.000 randomly generated NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Our NFT is used to build hotels, music events, tour packages, souvenirs, etc. Our goal is to create the largest fun community in the offline world. We chose a beautiful island with a tropical climate as a gathering place for this community, namely the island of Bali. Our project is a derivative of the Bali East Paradise Hotel project based on Bali. Snails are animals that live a lot in the tropics, so it fits perfectly with the vision of our project.