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3D animated NFTs from Artists with previous works done for Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks.
Mint Starts
Apr 11

Mint: Apr 11
Pre-Mint Price: 0.075 ETH
Mint Date: Apr 11
Mint Price: 0.095 ETH
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About Collection
The abolition of human life on Earth resulted in a hospitable post-apocalyptic environment. Nature is gradually reclaiming the abandoned concrete jungle, which is teeming with humanity's legacy waiting to be reclaimed by a new civilization. Ailo, the superior Artificial Intelligence, had a strong desire to become like the humans he had always mocked for being so naive and thoughtless. Ailo develops something resembling emotions with the help of profound biotechnological advancements and all information ever possessed by humans in an attempt to become human-like. Ailo, who used to be perplexed as to why humans were so taken with videos of conceited creatures like cats, has developed a fondness for the conceited little furballs. Ailo decides to repopulate the Planet with his newly discovered furry friends, motivated by the desire to repurpose all the wonderful things that humans have left behind.