Collection Badges

Chains of War
10,000 NFT Heroes roam the vicious world of Tyrrha. Collect, earn and roleplay on the Cardano blockchain.
Mint Starts
Apr 29

Mint: Apr 29
Pre-Mint Date: Apr 28
Mint Date: Apr 29
Mint Price: TBA
Collection Links
About Collection
On the Cardano blockchain, Chains of War is creating a neo-fantasy world. Tyrrha's world is populated by a variety of species and shaped by historical events, cultural habits, macroeconomical systems, and social structures. This translates to classes and ranks for the 10.000 3D NFT Heroes, which will be available on April 29th. As Chains of War maintains a high level of quality, raising the bar in CNFT Space, implementing utility, tokenization, and gamification will be feasible goals. Collect, earn, and play roleplaying games!