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Gallant Token
Blockchain Gaming, DeFi Tools and more | Doxxed Team
Mint Starts
Jan 28
22:00 utc

Mint: Jan 28
Pre-Mint Date: Jan 25
Pre-Mint Time: 22:00 UTC
Pre-Mint Price: 150 BNB
Mint Date: Jan 28
Mint Time: 22:00 UTC
Mint Price: 171 BNB
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About Collection
Gallant Token is a decentralized finance smart contract, a community of people from all over the world, and a brand developed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Our core team began as cryptocurrency investors before becoming developers after falling victim to a cryptocurrency fraud. Transparency, devotion, and integrity are basic principles that we all share. Gallant was founded as a result of this. We want people to realize that crypto investments are secure and worth investigating. Join us as we develop our ecosystem of medieval-themed games and NFTs, utilizing blockchain technology on several platforms. Continue scrolling to learn more about our blockchain gaming utility token with a warrior theme.