Collection Badges

Hell’ Hyena Motorcycle Club. P2E NFT collection CNFT Cardano.
Mint Starts
Apr 29

Mint: Apr 29
Mint Date: Apr 29
Mint Price: 40 ADA
# of Items: 300
Collection Links
About Collection
A STORY OF HELL' HYENAS MOTORCYCLE CLUB is based on a ten-year rivalry with Vicious Coyotes and their dominance over Nomenzville. HHMC has been patiently amassing belligerent members for a long time before making a move to assert dominance and challenge the town's status quo. This will not be an easy task, as Coyotes are notorious for their bloodlust and outright pugnacity. It will only be a matter of time before we witness a battle to see who will rule Nomenzville....