Collection Badges

Sassy Unicorns
Sassy Unicorns are unique, handmade and randomly generated NFT. Each NFT Holder Yield 7 $SUNI Token
Mint Starts
Dec 23
16:00 utc

Mint: Dec 23
Pre-Mint Date: Dec 22
Pre-Mint Time: 16:00 UTC
Pre-Mint Price: 0.08 ETH
Mint Date: Dec 23
Mint Time: 16:00 UTC
Mint Price: 0.1 ETH
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About Collection
Sassy Unicorns are unique, handmade and randomly generated NFT. After successful launch 10 NFT will be given on twitter giveaways and after 12 days holding period. Each NFT holder can yield 7 $SUNI a day. A day hard work pays off with a delicious treat for each holder. Every Holder who holds 2 Sassy Unicorns NFT can breed a Baby Unicorn by burning 600 $SUNI Token and more surprises to follow