Collection Badges

Space Convicts
Imprisoned on the ETH Blockchain. Fight, collect $CIG, and plan your escape!
Mint Starts
Mar 16

Mint: Mar 16
Pre-Mint Date: Mar 15
Pre-Mint Time: 18:00 UTC
Pre-Mint Price: 0.06 ETH
Mint Date: Mar 16
Mint Price: 0.06 ETH
Collection Links
About Collection
The year is 2099. Punks and Apes were imprisoned in space for money laundering. They are left to their own devices. Naturally, they don't get along - take your pick! Gather your gang and start collecting $CIGARETTES. Spend them on amazing weapon drops to show the other inmates who's in charge. Ascend the ranks and take over the prison with force. Alternatively, plan your escape and leave the planet in a spaceship!