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Spirited Sols
666 uniquely generated Spirited Sols haunting the Solana blockchain.
Mint Starts
Mar 26
01:00 utc

Mint: Mar 26
Mint Date: Mar 26
Mint Time: 01:00 UTC
Mint Price: 0.1 SOL
# of Items: 666
Collection Links
About Collection
Spirited Sols is a collection of 666 Spirited Sols NFTs—unique digital collectibles stored with proof of ownership on the Solana blockchain and hosted on Arweave. Each Sol is generated algorithmically from over 75 possible attributes, including hats, eyewear, facial expressions, and more. All Sols are unique, but some are more rare than others. On the blockchain, there are also ten special, completely unique Spirited Sols, all of which can be minted during the initial launch.