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WonderWhale is a unique one-of-a-kind 7,777 NFT collection on Cardano blockchain with real-life utilities to incentivize long-term holders.
Mint Starts
Dec 2
13:00 utc

Mint: Dec 2
Pre-Mint Price: 32 ADA
Mint Date: Dec 2
Mint Time: 13:00 UTC
Mint Price: 47 ADA
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About Collection
SNEAK PEEKS 7,777 Different WonderWhale NFTs No two WonderWhale NFTs are alike; each is unique in its own way. We combine over 80 different attributes, including skin color, background, headpiece, necklace, mouth, eyes, clothes, and hand items, with the potential for over 93 million unique combinations, but only 7,777* will be released. Like those in other NTF collections, some attributes are more scarce than others. After the minting date, we will release the rarity table and list it on; for the time being, it remains a secret.