Collection Badges

Radiant Robots
7,777 Radiant Robots deploying March! | $200k+ in giveaways and donations | 3D art with rarities
Mint Starts
Mar 24
19:00 utc

Mint: Mar 24
Pre-Mint Date: Mar 18
Pre-Mint Time: 19:00 UTC
Pre-Mint Price: 0.65 ETH
Mint Date: Mar 24
Mint Time: 19:00 UTC
Mint Price: 0.85 ETH
Collection Links
About Collection
MARCH 11, 2022 EARLY BIRD SALE (.055 ETH) There is no whitelist, and there is no BS. Radiant Robots is a collection of 7,777 individually curated voxel Robots, each with their own set of attributes and rarities | Radiant Robots is a truly community-based project created for the community, by the community | Being a member of the Radiant Robot community grants you exclusive access to the Radiant Robot DAO, exclusive giveaways, private airdrops, a dedicated community for holders, and much more. "Why isn't there a whitelist?" is a frequently asked question. Our first project does not have a whitelist because we want to build an organic community first. Many projects force a whitelist while oblivious to the fact that they are encouraging an inorganic community. Creating a whitelist, more often than not, forces people to have conversations they don't want to have with people they don't want to talk to to receive a reward: the NFT. There will be a whitelist for our second project with a discounted mint price (releasing Q3 of 2022) for our members who buy and keep their Radiant Robot, are genuinely active in our Discord and other social media accounts, and have a genuine interest in our community! Our team is made up of cryptocurrency and NFT enthusiasts with years of experience in a variety of fields. Radiant Robots was founded by three co-founders who were tired of fake, inorganic communities, 2D animal art, and projects that didn't care about our members. Our slogan is "for the community, by the community," and this is true because all of our team members are active in the community, constantly interacting and discussing various topics in our Discord channels such as video games, sports, cars, and more. Our team is working hard to become a household NFT name, and we have BIG plans for the future, which you can see on our official website: Today is the perfect time to join one of the fastest-growing communities!