Collection Badges

Sad Sea
Collection of 4444 NFT comming soon on the Solana blockchain - for environmental purposes
Mint Starts
Feb 28

Mint: Feb 28
Mint Date: Feb 28
Mint Price: 0.6 SOL
# of Items: 4,444
Collection Links
About Collection
Fish live in the ocean, which is a harsh environment wracked by plastic, radioactivity, and humans. Biodiversity is declining, and we must save these fish. Each fish is unique, but if we do not act quickly to protect them, we will lose them. So, to order to protect biodiversity, collect them while we clean the ocean of diseases. Plastics are an eyesore in the oceans; animals become entangled in the larger pieces, resulting in their death. The smallest pieces are mistaken for food and thus consumed; turtles mistake them for jellyfish, andand seabirds sting floating pieces of plastic. Large cetaceans that filter seawater consume massive amounts of plastic. Mollusks, such as mussels, filter m3 of contaminated water, which eventually kills them. More than 24.4 billion plastic particles are suspended in the oceans. Every year, 11 million tons of plastic are deversed; by 2040, this figure will have quadrupled. Why is it critical to protect our oceans? Oceans are necessary for life on Earth. They produce half of the oxygen we breathe and contribute to the absorption of 30% of global CO2 emissions stored in the deep. Heat will annihilate humans if oceans do not exist. There is a large concentration of millions of floating visible plastics in the north Pacific, which has been designated as the 7th continent. His square is approximately 3.5 million square kilometers in size.