Collection Badges

Sol Baby Unicorns
8,888 Sol Baby Unicorns coming to Solana Blockchain this February!
Mint Starts
Feb 25
18:00 utc

Mint: Feb 25
Pre-Mint Date: Feb 22
Pre-Mint Time: 18:00 UTC
Pre-Mint Price: 0.7 SOL
Mint Date: Feb 25
Mint Time: 18:00 UTC
Mint Price: 1.2 SOL
Collection Links
About Collection
Worlds have appeared, as has the enchantress Aurie. She is well-known for conjuring up fantastic illusions and creatures. Others think her magic is unnatural, but Aurie disagrees. She attempted to breed purebred magical unicorns that were so one-of-a-kind that they could be collected if desired. However, something went wrong, and Aurie's spell was altered... As a result, magical unicorns were created, absorbing the best qualities of popular characters.